Testing materials, shapes and LEDs

This research shows different shapes for spikes that we can sew to the fabric to cover the arm band with the sensors and the electronics. We started to work in a modular way to get the look we are looking for. Also we are working with soft materials to make it safe for kids.
Some materials include leather (grey) and ninja flex printed in our new 3D printer (Ultimaker2).

The final shape allows us to include LEDs inside this spikes with a great look. This material is great spreading the light, you can see the images bellow.

more iterations.
Following the modular line, we are working in joints that can be easily attached and sewn to fabric. 3D printing another piece on PLA (blue) seems like it's working good.

Last version, not printed yet, includes holes to sew the PLA piece to the fabric, see last image bellow.

Insiprations and about building flying objects

Tetrahedron kite

We are interested in objects can fly with the wind produced by the fans. Doing research we found these very interesting geometric kites, and we were trying to confection something similar to test in the studio.
Tests were not so successful, wind direction blows away every object, so we need to focus the air flow with more fans. 

3D Printing Tests

This is our first approach for an arm wrist that will hold the muscle sensors.
This iteration considers an unique object, but it is difficult to make it adjustable for any size of arm.
We printed one version using PLA on the 3D printer in the studio and another one 3D printed with powder, in a SLA 3D printer. 

SLA version looks better but is more fragile.

Testing muscle sensors and gesture detection

We need to place 3 muscle sensors, these could be placed in an arm band, but we are testing how we can adjust this settings for a standard design that fits in most of the kids.